

1. 禁止触摸和喂食动物。动物园里的动物有自己的饮食和饮水系统,并且部分动物还有很强的攻击性,所以禁止触摸和喂食动物。

2. 禁止带狗进入动物园。动物园内有很多动物,带狗会可能引起动物的攻击或紧张,动物园内也不提供狗的服务或设施。

3. 禁止吸烟。动物园内禁止吸烟,这是为了保护动物、保持清新空气并保持整齐的环境。

4. 禁止在动物园内奔跑。在动物园内奔跑可能导致意外事故发生,所以禁止奔跑。

5. 禁止在动物园内骑自行车、滑板或滑旱冰。这些活动可能危及到自己和动物的安全。

6. 禁止抛弃垃圾。为了保护环境和动物的干净卫生,禁止抛弃垃圾。

7. 遵循动物园工作人员的指引。动物园内有专门的工作人员负责管理,如有问题可以咨询他们。



1. Please familiarize yourself with the rules before driving into the wild zoo. The rules of no getting off and no opening windows must be observed.

2. You can't steal it at will. It will destroy the drinking habits of animals and even cause disease. In addition, it will also lead to danger.

3. Don't "tease" animals. In case of estrus or lactation of animals, it is easy to cause hostility of animals and lead to danger.

4. Do not use the flash to take pictures. It can irritate the eyes of animals. In addition, it will scare wild animals and make them irritable (.

5. Do not use the racket lever. The racquet stick sticking out of the window can easily become an object of attack by animals, but it also brings danger to you.

6. Correctly guide children to watch. When children see a favorite animal or a sleeping animal, they often scream excitedly or pat the glass. Some animals live at night It is not only harmful to animals, but also dangerous to animals to disturb their normal life and inherent habits.

7. It is forbidden to bring, release or take away any animals.

8. It is strictly forbidden to enter the park by means of transportation (except stroller and handcart for the disabled).

9. It is strictly prohibited to bring inflammable, explosive, toxic and other dangerous goods into the park.

10. It is strictly prohibited to climb over or cross guardrails, purse seine nets, power grids and other animal isolation facilities to avoid being scratched and bitten by animals.





1. **不要喂食动物**:除非动物园工作人员允许,否则不要给动物喂食,因为不适合的食物可能会对动物的健康造成危害。

2. **不要扔垃圾**:保持环境清洁,不要在动物园内乱扔垃圾,以免污染动物的栖息地。

3. **不要破坏设施**:尊重动物园的公共设施,不要攀爬、涂写或破坏围栏和其他设施。

4. **遵守游览指示**:遵循动物园的指示牌和工作人员的指引,不要进入禁止入内的区域。

5. **保持适当距离**:与动物保持安全的距离,避免触碰或接近动物展区的边界。

6. **拍照时不要使用闪光灯**:某些动物对强光敏感,拍照时请关闭闪光灯,以免惊吓或伤害动物。

7. **不要喧哗打闹**:保持安静,避免大声喧哗或打闹,以免干扰动物的正常生活。

8. **注意个人财物**:在享受游览的同时,注意保管好个人财物,避免丢失或被盗。

9. **紧急情况遵循疏散指示**:如果遇到紧急情况,应迅速而有序地遵循工作人员的疏散指示。

10. **尊重动物**:理解动物园是动物的家园,尊重它们的生活习性和需求。



