郑州市动物园百科知识-郑州市动物园简介 2025-02-14 21:40:09 0 0 郑州动物园英文介绍? Zhengzhou Zoo is located in the Fengxian District of Zhengzhou City, covering an area of 430 hectares. The zoo is a comprehensive animal park with a history of more than 30 years. It was founded in 1985 and has been upgraded and expanded several times since then. Zhengzhou Zoo has a collection of more than 210 species and 3,500 animals, including rare and endangered species such as giant pandas, golden snub-nosed monkeys, and red-crowned cranes. It is also home to many domesticated animals such as dogs, cats, pigs, and chickens. In addition to animal exhibitions, Zhengzhou Zoo also offers educational programs, animal shows, and various activities for visitors of all ages. The zoo is open year-round and welcomes millions of visitors every year. In recent years, Zhengzhou Zoo has made significant efforts to improve its facilities and exhibits, and has become one of the most popular tourist attractions in Zhengzhou City. Its mission is to promote the understanding and protection of wildlife and the environment, and to provide a fun and educational experience for visitors of all backgrounds. 郑州市动物园是河南省省内最大最专业的动物园,动物种类繁多:白狮,非洲猎豹,大食蚁兽,野牦牛,野骆驼东北虎;有亚洲象,孔雀,大熊猫,黑熊,棕熊,梅花鹿,猕猴,食蟹猴,丹顶鹤,白鹳,白枕鹤,大天鹅,长尾雉,黑猩猩,河马,角马,狒狒、贴鹿,海狸鼠,貉,兰狐,麝鼠等等很多! 郑州动物园好玩吗? 郑州动物园是全国十大动物园之一,动物种类蛮全的,适合带上小朋友去,不过现在不要去,太冷了,应该在春夏之交去,那时候动物都处于活跃状态,而动物身上的味道也特别小.肯定会让你高兴而来,尽兴而归的. 收藏(0)